
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Random Post =)

It wasn’t an easy week. From now onward, I have to rush for my assignments. All of them come together. 3 assignments due on the same date and 2 presentations are set in the same week. Pretty busy right? After assignments and sort of presentation, then will be final exam. Have to do revision right after that. But don’t worry; I can handle it, because I can ask help from my friends.

By the way, something bad happened a few days before. I guessed I had hurt my friend. I just want to let her know the truth who knows then I hurt her. Is it will be better if I didn’t tell her? However, everything is okay now. Our emotion is easy comes and easy goes. Hope our friendship can last forever. :)

The day that she is coming back is getting closer and closer. I am waiting for that. But too bad I will have final exam when she comes back. But I believe they can understand me. They will wait for me. Girls, be ready ya. We are going to experience the secondary life. We are going to be crazy and out of control? Hmmm…. We will see. I am waiting for you~

Draw a rainbow in your heart to beautify our life. Smile when you getting angry. Cry when you are sad. Life is simple as that. :)


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