
Thursday, May 27, 2010


I have to finish this as fast as I can. The time is now 11.15pm and I am exhausting. What I had done were helping my parents to search for air flight tickets and after that was changing clothe for my blog. How is it looks? I had spent a couple of hours to done that. After applied the new skin for my blog, I found that my music player was get lost. Argh! I will fix it tomorrow. Just let it mute for hours.

Oh ya! Tomorrow is Wesak Day. Have to go to the temple for pray and there will be a charity sales as well. Guess will end before the afternoon. My schedule for tomorrow is tidy my room after came back from the temple and then is an important mission - eating books and lecture slides.

Okay,that's all. Have to sleep now. Will be continue. Good night,all. See ya. :)


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